Are you dreading taking the standardized test required for university admission? I sure was! In fact, I took the GMAT 3 times before I got the score I needed. Considering I had to travel to another island to sit the GMAT, that cost added up really quick!
Fortunately, what helped me were great products and blogs with score guarantees that got me the score I needed. In fact, I credit Magoosh online test prep that made studying for my standardized test accessible, effective, and enjoyable. Best part was, I could study anytime, anywhere from a computer or phone, at a fraction of the cost of classes or tutors and there was a SCORE GUARANTEE. So, whether you're studying for GMAT,GRE,SAT, ACT, there's a plan for you.
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The good news is though that a score alone does not predict your chance of success, what will predict your chance of success is YOU and the time and effort you are willing to invest to succeed. If you are applying for graduate school and your GPA is between 2.0 - 3.0, performing well in these standardized tests can help assure the admissions committee you have what it takes to succeed. If you are an undergraduate and applying for schools abroad, check out the admission statistics for the class to learn more about what your targeted range should be.
For this and more resources on how to achieve a great score, grab a copy of our Secrets to Studying Abroad guide. We share more great sites that offer score guarantees and blogs that support students in achieving these scores for free!